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Everyone enjoys eating tasty food. Food gives us pleasure. But have you ever thought why we eat food? Food gives us nutrients that help us to stay healthy.

Nutrients are substances in food that the body uses:

  • To provide energy
  • To provide material for making the chemicals that need to make cells and other parts of the body.

Different kinds of food contain different nutrients.

Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat

The nutrients that we need to eat in the largest quantity are protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Protein is used for making new cells. Protein is also used for making many important chemicals in the body, such as enzymes and antibodies. Cells can use protein to supply energy.

Carbohydrate is used to provide energy. Starch and sugar are two kinds of carbohydrate.

Fat also provides energy. Fat can be stored in the body. Fat stores underneath the skin provide insulation. Fat is needed to make new cell membranes.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that we need in only very small quantities. They do not provide energy. There are many different kinds of vitamins and minerals that we need to eat. Fruit and vegetables are a good source of them.

Fibre and Water

Fibre (roughage) helps to keep food moving easily through the digestive system. We get fibre from fresh fruits and vegetables, and also from foods made from whole seeds such as brown rice or wholemeal bread.

Water is sometimes considered to be a nutrient. Between 60% and 70% of the body is made up of water.


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