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Solar eclipse on June 21

Solar eclipse in Karachi.

The annular solar eclipse of 2020 will be occurring on 21st of June, 2020. The duration of this eclipse will be three hours and twenty minutes in Karachi, Pakistan.

   The solar eclipse's visibility is according to this video. 

The eclipse will begin on Sunday, 09:26. On 10:59, the moon will be on its maximum eclipse. And finally on 12:46 the partial eclipse ends.

The annular phase of this solar eclipse is not visible in Karachi, but it can be observed as a partial solar eclipse. The Moon covers a large portion of the Sun, so this is a spectacular sight.

What is Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the earth is surrounded by the shadow cast by the moon. This occurs when the Earth, moon and the Sun are aligned. The eclipse is not seen from every place on Earth, but only from the locations where the shadow falls. From these locations, it appears as if the Sun has gone dark.

There are three main parts of the Moon's shadow during an eclipse called the umbrapenumbra, and antumbra.

Umbra:  The umbra is the portion of the Moon's shadow where the Moon completely covers the sun.

Antumbra: The area of the shadow beyond the point of the umbra. Here the Moon is completely in front of the Sun, but doesn't cover the entire Sun. The outline of the Sun can be seen around the shadow of the Moon.

Penumbra:  The area of the shadow where only a portion of the Moon is in front of the Sun.

Types of Solar Eclipses

Depending on what part of the shadow you are located in, there are three types of eclipses:

Total: A total eclipse is where the Sun is covered completely by the Moon. The portion of the Earth that is in the umbra experiences a total eclipse.

Annular: An annular eclipse is when the Moon covers the Sun, but the Sun can be seen around the edges of the Moon. An annular eclipse occurs when the viewer is within the antumbra.

Partial: A partial eclipse is when only a portion of the Sun is blocked by the Moon. It occurs when the observer is within the penumbra.

Don't Look at Solar Eclipse

You should never look directly at a solar eclipse. Even though it appears darker, the harmful rays of the Sun can damage your eyes.

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