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Hydroelectric Power

 Electricity is our basic need. No, one can spend a peaceful time without it.

Nowadays, world is so advanced that we can generate electricity from many ways. Such as, from water, heat. Wind, etc.

The electricity we, generate from water is hydro-electricity. It is produced in multipurpose dams.

These multipurpose dams are used for irrigation water and to generate electricity.

The hydroelectricity accounts for 19% of world’s electricity. It is the renewable source of energy.

The water in the reservoir, which is to be used for irrigation, also flows down pipes through the dam to several turbines at the foot of the dam. It then flows on down the river.

The amount of water remains the same, in the hydro-electric power station.

None of it is used up in any way. It is therefore, available for turning more turbines, if there is another hydro-electric power station downstream.

For this reason it is called “renewable” energy.

This is the image of a hydro-electric power station. It shows that how the electricity is generated and how the water flows on.

The water is held back by the dam. The water runs downhill through pipes, to the power station below. 

Then the rushing water in the pipe turns wheels called turbines. The turbines turns the generator.

Then the generators generate electricity and the water flows on, into rivers and canals.

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