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Pros and Cons of coronavirus lockdown

Karachi, the financial and commercial hub of Pakistan, is currently under lockdown following mass spread of coronavirus, which has already been declared as pandemic.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on March 22, 2020, declared a complete lockdown in the entire province forcing people to stay at home.

CM Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah

Karachi is the capital of Sindh province and source of revenue for Pakistan. It is amongst the largest cities of the world with populations of around 20 million. It is also host of people of multilingual and multicast across the country.

After the lockdown people have been compelled to stay home and all the activities are at a standstill.

The provincial government is facing criticism and appreciations from various quarters. Some people criticized the government that we are dependent on everyday earning, what shall we do?

On the other hand some people appreciated the government that our life is more important than work.

There are advantages for lockdown in Sindh. The gathering on the places are totally banned, this will prevent the virus from spreading to further people.

People would stay safe at their homes. When people will not meet others, there will be less spread of coronavirus and less cases will appear. This will also become easy for the doctors to handle their patients.

Then obviously, when there will be less cases then less people will die. If the people stay at their homes and apply on the rules set by government, in the result there will be a decrease in the cases. The lockdown in Sindh is very important.

Previously many diseases and viruses have killed people but this is the most powerful virus from all. If the decision would not be taken soon, Pakistan would suffer many cases and many deaths.

There are also disadvantages for lockdown in Sindh. Many people in Pakistan are daily wagers and are dependent on the money they earn daily.

Due to lockdown, these people cannot sell their things and no money would be earned. Therefore if they had no money to buy food, they would die of hunger.

Many industries in Sindh are shut down and there are now no outputs from these companies. When these companies will not have enough money to afford their employees. They will short their staff.

After this, poverty will also increase. There is also loss in the Stock Exchange Markets, because of the shutdown of companies.

Pakistan’s economy is also effected by the virus because when there will be no industrial activities then there will be serious repercussions on GDP growth. People would also die from anxiety.

When there will be unemployment, people would have many tensions of food as well as virus. Basically there is no survival for people. And this unnecessary decision will harm the people more than coronavirus.

I think we should take precautionary measures ourselves in order to avoid contamination from diseases. In order to fight coronavirus we should follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by World Health Organization (WHO).

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