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Educational institutions across Sindh to remain closed till March 13

KARACHI: The educational institutions across Sindh province will remain closed till March 13 owing to fear spread on confirmation of coronavirus in Pakistan, especially port city of Karachi.

The Sindh government on Sunday decided to further extend the closure of schools between March 01 and March 13, 2020 owing to coronavirus threat.

Senator Saeed Ghani, a provincial minister, in a tweet message said that the Sindh government had decided to extend the closure of all educational institutions till March 13, 2020.

Earlier, the provincial government after confirmation of coronavirus cases in the country, particularly in Sindh capital and port city Karachi, announced the closure of school on February 27 and February 28, 2020.

Sources said that the decision to further closure of educational institutions was taken at a meeting chaired by Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh.

The decision has been taken in order to take precautionary measures in order to avoid spread of the deadly virus.

The epidemic was detected in Pakistan on February 26, 2020 on persons arriving from Iran. Since than the toll of infected persons with coronavirus increased to four.

In a press conference Prime Minister’s health adviser Dr Zafar Mirza on Saturday confirmed two more cases in the country.

He said that one of the patients was from Karachi while the other was from Islamabad. He urged the masses to refrain from panicking.

He said that the first two patients of the virus “are recovering and one of them will soon be discharged” and added that their clinical treatment was satisfactory and according to the guidelines of the health ministry.

The presser was held on the sidelines of a government meeting held to discuss the control and prevention of coronavirus with a focus on two themes: scaling up efforts and increasing coordination.

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